Be Right, Be Bright
MP4 Video
This guideline outlines proper safety practices to be used when backing fire department and EMS vehicles and maneuvering in close-quarters situations.
Microsoft Word Document
This video defines the important points in a backing up SOP, demonstrates a recommended backing up procedure using a spotter, and reinforces the importance of training on and enforcing the backing up SOP.
MP4 Video
To prevent injuries and deaths resulting from accidents involving POV responses.
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Developed by the Capitol Region Council of Governments Greater Hartford Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Coalition, this field guide provides guidance for traffic incident scene management for emergency response organizations. Includes TIM and responder safety basic principles, guidelines for deploying traffic control devices, recommended TIM procedures, and practical diagrams of traffic control applications like vehicle classification, stopping distances, and traffic incident management area setups for different roadway configurations.
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One-minute distracted driving PSA featuring Joel Feldman, the founder of whose daughter, Casey, was killed when a distracted driver hit her in a crosswalk.
MP4 Video
One-minute distracted driving PSA featuring Joel Feldman, the founder of whose daughter, Casey, was killed when a distracted driver hit her in a crosswalk.
MP4 Video
A poster of safe driving and anti-distracted driving messages for public education.
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Erie County Sobriety Checkpoint Planning Worksheet
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Erie County Sobriety Checkpoint Traffic Control Zone Set-Up & Safety Worksheet
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This document is a recommended example of a traffic control professional equipment list. It was provided by the Adams Area Fire District.
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This report summarizes a workshop convened during the 2018 National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week on how to harden blocking vehicles to protect responders and the public.
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This reference card lists the safe standoff distances for different improvised explosive devices, vehicles potentially carrying explosives and/or improvised explosive devices, and LPG tank sizes.
Microsoft Word Document
Description: Thirty-second slow down, move over PSA showing what it’s like to operate on the roadway next to high speed traffic, highlighting emergency responder struck-by LODD statistics in 2021 combined with slow down move over and anti-distracted driving messages.
MP4 Video
One-minute slow down, move over PSA featuring Mike Cox, a firefighter who survived being struck in the 1998 Pennsylvania Turnpike Incident involving the Lionville Fire Department.
MP4 Video
Description: One-minute slow down, move over PSA featuring Steve Senn, an assistant fire chief who survived being struck in the 1998 Pennsylvania Turnpike Incident involving the Lionville Fire Department.
MP4 Video
This 2004 Staff Study Report documents the work to date of the Law Enforcement Stops and Safety Subcommittee. It includes technology, practices, and research related to improving officer safety and preventing police vehicle crashes. Recommendations are included at the end of each section of the re¬port as benchmarks against which to measure future successes to improve the safety of police vehicles, highway environment and design, and traffic stop practices.
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A customizable media advisory template to help PIOs and public educators get the word out about Move It/Fender Bender Laws.
Microsoft Word Document
The US Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration are addressing the problem of secondary accidents and congestion on the highways caused by minor accidents. This PSA produced by Stonehouse Media Incorporated® for the CVVFA/Emergency Responder Safety Institute with funding from the Federal Highway Administration teaches drivers to stay in their vehicles and move their car off the road to safety if no one is seriously injured and your car is drivable. "Move it"
MP4 Video
A customizable media advisory template to help PIOs and public educators get the word out about Move Over Laws.
Microsoft Word Document
Move Over laws factsheet Q&A. Courtesy of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
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This report summarizes the data on fatal occupational injuries in the year 2005, covering all occupational groups. Fatal highway accidents were the most frequent type of fatal workplace event. Data is broken down in several ways, including by type of incident, by industry, by occupation, by demographics, and by State. Multiple full data tables are presented.
Text File
This document explains opportunities available from the National Law Enforcement Roadway Safety Program (NLERSP), which provides no-cost training, technical assistance, and resources to local, state, and tribal law enforcement agencies with the goal of reducing the number of officers injured and killed on the nation’s roadways. Further information is available at
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A public education poster to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving, particularly to emergency responders working on the roadway, and promote safe driving behaviors to avoid distraction.
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A poster to raise awareness among department members about critical safety practices when operating at a roadway incident.
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A poster to raise awareness among department members about critical safety practices when operating at a roadway incident.
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A poster to raise awareness among department members about critical safety practices when operating at a roadway incident.
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A poster to raise awareness among department members about critical safety practices when operating at a roadway incident.
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A poster to raise awareness among department members about critical safety practices when operating at a roadway incident.
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This infographic displays some of the highest-impact facts and statistics about roadway incident safety. Unfortunately, we don't have all the statistics we would like, but many entities continue to work on sharpening the picture of the risks first responders and the public face at emergency scenes on the roadway.
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This press package on safe driving practices when passing emergency scenes for PIOs and public educators to use for public education includes a backgrounder on safe driving practices, an infographic, a push card, sample media advisories, and sample media contact emails.
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This push card, sponsored by, contains important safety messages for the public about what actions to take when approaching and passing an emergency scene on the roadway. The push card is appropriate for distribution at rest areas, service plazas, community events, community presentations, driver education schools, motor vehicle bureaus, and other driver information distribution opportunities.
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Following each JPR in this standard that is related to emergency responders working on the roadway, you will find a list of ResponderSafety Learning Network modules whose content supports that JPR.
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This poster, suitable for EMS and fire departments to hang in their stations, reinforces safety practices when operating on the roadway.
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A written pledge for drivers to sign that commits them to avoid emergency scenes, move over and slow down, leave their phone alone, stay alert, follow traffic control instructions, and refrain from “D” driving.
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The Monroe County Intermediate School District (Michigan) in collaboration with the 1st District Court of Monroe, MI produced this public service video describing the experience of a struck by incident from the perspective of a teen driver who hit an emergency responder. Sarah’s Story was produced in 2005 and its content reflects Michigan traffic laws at that time.
MP4 Video
This video is a 30 second public service announcement encouraging the public to slow down and move over when they see responders working on the roadway. The format available here is WMV for PC. For other versions, including QuickTime for Mac, please visit the "Slow Down Move Over" PSA page:
MP4 Video
Thirty-second Slow Down, Move Over PSA featuring A. J. Terranova, Firefighter, Bald Hills Fire District #17.
MP4 Video
Thirty-second Slow Down, Move Over PSA featuring Amy Hanifan, President of Women In Fire.
MP4 Video
Thirty-second Slow Down, Move Over PSA featuring Diana McMaster, Fire Commissioner, Bald Hills Fire District #17.
MP4 Video
Thirty-second Slow Down, Move Over PSA featuring Dr. Candice McDonald, President, Cumberland Valley Volunteer Fireman’s Association and Deputy CEO, National Volunteer Fire Council.
MP4 Video
Thirty-second Slow Down, Move Over PSA featuring Nick Vankirk, Firefighter, South Bay Volunteer Fire District #8.
MP4 Video
Thirty-second Slow Down, Move Over PSA featuring T. J. Nedrow, Washington Director, National Volunteer Fire Council.
MP4 Video
A short video Public Service Announcement on distracted driving meant to be shared on social media.
MP4 Video
A short video Public Service Announcement on Move It Laws meant to be shared on social media.
MP4 Video
A short video Public Service Announcement on Move Over Laws meant to be shared on social media.
MP4 Video
What happens after an emergency responder is struck by a vehicle? Five emergency responders changed forever by a struck by experience tell their stories.
MP4 Video
This document is a list of recommended equipment for a traffic control professional.
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This paper summarizes the proceedings of a workshop convened by the Emergency
Responder Safety Institute during the 2018 National Traffic Incident Response Awareness
Week to envision the future of roadway incident response safety and traffic incident
management and as a Twenty Year Review of the original 1999 White Paper "Protecting Emergency Responders on the Highway".
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This reference card illustrates the different classes of vehicles and lists the needed vehicle details to ensure that communications with a towing and recovery company are accurate and thus the correct tow truck type is dispatched for the vehicle needing assistance.
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This “How to Give Effective Distracted Driving Presentations” webinar from and, delivered by Joel Feldman, covers strategies for addressing the distracted driving problem, how to talk to students about the risks of distracted driving, and how to craft distracted driving public education programs to reach the wider community. The webinar pays particular attention to the high school level because young adult and teen drivers are at increased risk.
MP4 Video
This resource guide provides visual examples of high-visibility marking schemes applied to the rear and sides of a variety of vehicles, including automobiles, pickup trucks, utility truck vehicles, SUVs, vans, box-type trucks, and large service vehicles. This is the handicapped accessible version of the PDF format of this document.
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This resource guide provides visual examples of high-visibility marking
schemes applied to the rear and sides of a variety of vehicles, including automobiles, pickup trucks, utility truck vehicles, SUVs, vans, box-type trucks, and large service vehicles.
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
This video loop is meant to be used at Visitors Centers. It contains PSAs for: Slow Down Move Over, It’s No Picnic Out Here, Move It, and Leave Your Phone Alone.
MP4 Video
A customizable media advisory template to help PIOs and public educators get the word out about what to do when approaching an emergency scene on the roadway.
Microsoft Word Document