Responder Safety Learning Network Releases Resource Relating Modules to NFPA Standards JPRs

Responder Safety Learning Network (RSLN) has released a new resource for professionals who take RSLN online training modules. This resource correlates Responder Safety modules to Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) in key NFPA professional qualifications standards: NFPA 1001: Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications; NFPA 1021: Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications; NFPA 1091: Standard for Traffic Incident Management Personnel Professional Qualifications; and NFPA 1500: Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety, Health, and Wellness Program. Using these correlations will help emergency responders plan and execute their professional development in roadway response safety and traffic incident management using Responder Safety modules to address specific requirements for their job.

The correlations cover the roadway response safety and traffic incident management responsibilities firefighter, fire officer, and traffic incident management professionals, in addition to the responsibilities of departments under their health and wellness program. For example, NFPA 1001 Fire Fighter I JPR 4.3.3 requires that firefighters know how to establish and operate in work areas at emergency scenes, including wearing proper PPE, establishing a protected work area using traffic control devices, and working only in that protected area. RSLN has 25 modules touching on how to perform various aspects of this requirement, including Advance Warning, Blocking Procedures at Roadway Incidents, Move It or Work It, Safe Fire Service Traffic Control Practices, Safe Operations for Vehicle Fires, and Termination.

"Training to national, industry-accepted standards is the best way to ensure that emergency responders are prepared to carry out the roadway incident response tasks they are assigned," said Steve Austin, project manager for "This new correlations tool tells you specifically which RSLN modules help you fulfill job performance requirements in the NFPA standards that apply to roadway response safety and traffic incident management. Even if a particular standard hasn't been formally adopted in your jurisdiction, they still provide a road map for training personnel to operate more safely when working on the roadway by instituting safety and traffic control measures. Once you know what you should be doing as defined by the standard, the correlation tells you specifically where to get that training on the Responder Safety Learning Network."

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