Credit Hours:
Approximate reading time:
0.5 Hours
Approximate online time:
0.5 Hours

Program Abstract
Termination is the final phase of response to a roadway incident, after major rescue and
remediation operations have been completed. Termination involves tasks like removing vehicles, cleaning up debris, picking up temporary traffic control devices, and other tasks to reopen the
remaining closed lanes. Although it seems as if the incident is "over," termination is actually a very dangerous time; remaining responders may be less protected, motorists may be frustrated
by backups, and termination operations by nature require responders to be exposed on the roadway as they secure vehicles, pack up and stow equipment, and remove traffic control devices. Successful, safe termination depends on executing many diverse tasks properly while keeping an eye on and being aware of approaching traffic and the possible errant vehicle.
This self-paced program begins with a review of foundational knowledge about the definition of the termination phase and quick clearance strategies.Then, the program covers best practices for typical tasks in the termination phase, including creating a termination plan, working with towing and recovery, demobilization, removal of traffic control devices and restoring traffic flow to normal patterns, notifications, and safety.