Understanding NFPA 1091
Credit Hours:
Approximate reading time:
0.5 Hours
Approximate online time:
0.5 Hours

Program Abstract
NFPA 1091: Standard for Traffic Incident Management Personnel Professional Qualifications is an NFPA voluntary consensus standard that applies to any individual who performs traffic control duties at incident scenes, regardless of the agency or discipline to which that individual belongs. The standard is voluntary unless it has been adopted as mandatory by an authority having jurisdiction. Traffic control at incident scenes is a duty that is not uniformly taught across all responder disciplines. In some cases, it is not formally taught at all. NFPA 1091 establishes the job performance requirements that all persons tasked with traffic control duties at incident scenes should meet. The standard also provides a benchmark for training individuals in traffic control for incident scenes. This self-paced program explores both uses of NFPA 1091, explaining it in “plain language” for emergency responders and discussing how it can be used as a training objectives blueprint.