Innovative Temporary Traffic Control Devices & Methods

Credit Hours:  1
Approximate reading time: 0.5 Hours
Approximate online time: 0.5 Hours

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Program Abstract

Emergency response agencies have recognized that keeping motorists away from emergency scenes on the roadway has many benefits. It reduces congestion, improves safety by exposing responders to less traffic, reduces the opportunities for secondary incidents, and conserves resources by keeping vehicles from idling in traffic. If motorists are already close to the incident, temporary traffic control (TTC) devices can force them to slow down to reduce the danger to responders. Innovative temporary traffic control devices and automatic driver alert systems are gaining acceptance and popularity as effective ways to detour, reduce or slow traffic flow around emergency incidents on the roadway. This program raises awareness about these new devices, technologies, and methods so departments can evaluate whether these options can be adopted in their communities.

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Get Started and The Responder Safety Learning Network (RSLN) are a project of the Emergency Responder Safety Institute (ERSI), a Committee of the Cumberland Valley Volunteer Fireman's Association. The RSLN is an online training network delivering critical safety training for roadway incident responders. All training is free and delivered 24/7/365 on demand. The self-paced modules include critical components of roadway operations safety in an emergency situation, including: Advance Warning, Blocking, High Visibility, Traffic Control, Public Outreach, Incident Command, and more. Register online to get started.