Fire Service Collaboration with Towing & Recovery Operations
Credit Hours:
Approximate reading time:
0.5 Hours
Approximate online time:
0.5 Hours

Program Abstract
At incident scenes, the responding fire department(s) and towing and recovery operator(s) must often collaborate to clear the roadway safely. This collaboration should begin prior to the call for a tow truck and continue through the termination phase of the incident. Some fire departments have found value in joint vehicle rescue training with tow operators on extrication tools and techniques, new vehicle technology (i.e. hybrid, electric and compressed gas) and large vehicle rescue scenarios. The fire service can help ensure that towing and recovery has sufficient information to determine what type of equipment to send to an incident scene. The fire service can provide blocking and/or advance warning to protect incident scenes and the tow operators on scene. The fire service can provide important incident and hazardous materials information so the tow operator can determine how to proceed safely with vehicle removal. And the tow operator can lend his/her expertise to the cleanup underway by the fire department. Both organizations can either set up or revise the traffic control in collaboration with law enforcement and transportation management resources so motorists are safely routed around the incident. This self-paced program discusses how the fire service and towing personnel can communicate and collaborate effectively to safely and efficiently handle roadway incidents. The program also provides important information that can be used when tow operators are a single unit response.